Week Three

“Serpenti. A symbol of wisdom, power and rebirth, the snake appears again and again throughout Bulgari’s collections.”


Much of Team Carat’s development this week consisted of refining how the narrative is depicted visually. Our special guest, Yong Dun Jhun had a few sentiments to consider. How does this commercial want to make you feel? What is the personality of the ring?

From week one, Team Carat’s goal has been to make the consumer feel optimistic and sure. This week, the team implemented the values from the quote above into all aspects in which the ring is displayed (great work can be seen on Yilin’s blog page). This includes the ring’s transformation.

Our previous previs displayed the ring’s journey into the new lunar year. However, the narrative lacked that wow-factor that synthesized Team Carat’s intention for the consumer. Through discussion with the professors, it was clear that the raw materials of the ring would harmonize into the snake ring. Gestalt.

For lighting, the first two Serpenti values are displayed by the prestigious gallery light setup. The emphasis of the key light displays the ring’s opulence. Once the ring is in the abstract space, the ethos of the ring is truly revealed, and the rebirth process is apparent. Soft, natural light (between twilight and daytime) displays this.

Shot 1-1 (Focus of Dragon).

Shot 2-1 Preliminary Matte Painting.

Shot 2-2 Preliminary Matte Painting.

Shot 3-1 Preliminary Matte Painting.

Shot 1-1 (Focus of Diamond).


Week Four


Week Two