Week Two
Prioritize continuity through lighting and matte painting
Improve composition and camera movements to match Bvlgari brand identity
Establish ‘hero’ lighting shots to inform interior and abstract space
Incorporate reference suggested by mentors
Establish matte painting concepts
Godray test.
Shot 1-2.
Shot 1-3.
Rack Focus Experiment (Frame One)
Rack Focus Experiment (Frame Two)
Implementing Bvlgari brand identity through simple camera movements and compositions.
Shot 2 matte painting concept.
Chasm matte painting concept. 2-3.
Week One storyboard of chasm that inspired matte painting (week two).
The transition from storyboarding to virtual cinematography was interesting. Week one was about synthesizing Team Carat’s vision as a collective whole, allthewhile prioritizing narrative. During Week two, the team refined camera movements of each person’s shots. A hurdle I find myself encountering is my affliction for episodic visuals. This previs is a previous version of shot 1:1-3 that we scrapped since it didn’t match Bvlgari’s brand identity for a 30 second spot.